Boldenone steroid is the most popular and commonly used steroids for bodybuilding

The use of boldenone has long been a popular drug for administration in various animals, such as cattle. Boldenone has been shown to improve the growth and feed conversion of cattle resulting in more efficient meat production. Structurally, boldenone differs only slightly from testosterone in that it possesses a double bond at the 1st position on the A-ring of the steroid structure. The two drugs however are very different in their effects and metabolism. Furthermore, the literature states that boldenone is, in fact, orally available in humans despite lacking a methyl group to protect the 17-OH group. However given the chemical properties of boldenone (as undecylenate), namely that it is a liquid at room temperature; this would obviously pose a significant problem in producing an oral version of this hormone. The literature is not clear on the difference in potency between orally administrated versus injected boldenone, probably again due to the lack of use of boldenone in an oral manner. In fact, boldenone steroid is one of the most popular and commonly used anabolic androgenic steroids by competitive and non-competing bodybuilders and athletes today.
Boldenone Steroid & Bodybuilders
Boldenone steroid is misused by bodybuilders and athletes. The drug is designed for use on animals. Therefore, any use by humans is considered misuse.

The most common form of boldenone, at least in regard to use by bodybuilders is the boldenone undecylenate 250mg form, otherwise known by the brand name Equipoise. What does it do?

The injectable anabolic androgenic steroid offers about the same potency as synthetic testosterone although with roughly half of its androgenic properties.

That means that boldenone steroid can and does provide anabolic capabilities with about half the risk of androgenic side effects caused by other anabolic steroids.
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Like variations of testosterone, boldenone steroid (Equipoise) is known to:

Preserve muscle (inhibiting catabolism)
Enhance anabolism or tissue-building capabilities
Boost protein synthesis
Increase red blood cell count
Improve nutritional deficiency
In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, boldenone steroid is relatively “gentle” when it comes to androgenic properties. Androgens promote development of male sex characteristics.

However, as testosterone levels in the body rise, so too do estrogen levels. Men produce small amounts of estrogen to counterbalance levels of testosterone.