Best Raw Steroid Powder Manufacturer For You

Company: XiaMen NuMei Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd



About Us- XiaMen NuMei Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd

XiaMen NuMei Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd has a global footprint with collaborations with modern cGMP manufacturing and R&D plants (approved by the leading health authorities,such as US FDA,EDQM,TGA etc.) located across China and India, which enables us to provide high quality products ranges from grams to tons scales, and ensures on time delivery of diversified compounds to meet all our esteemed clients’ different requirements.  Especially in the steroid powder industry, we have the bigges advantages compared to our competitors, because we have our own factory to produce and we can control the quality, thus we have best price in the steroids powders.

Some of Our Hot-Sale Product List



Testosterone Base

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone decanoate

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Undecanote

Methytrienolone Metribolone



Trenbolone Acetate

Nandrolone Steroids

Nandrolone base

Nandrolone Decanoate

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Boldenone Steroids

Boldenone Acetate

Boldenone Undecylenate Equipoise

Masteron Steroids

Dromostanolone Enanthate

Dromostanolone Propionate

Methyldrostanolone, Methasterone, Superdrol

Our Advantages

  1. Domestic Delivery Services. We provide domestic delivery from Europe countries, and from USA, Canada, South America, France, Canada, etc. Quality and purity are guaranteed.
  2. We have specialized in manufacturing and exporting raw steroids for more than 10 years. Our goals are providing our products with best quality and our concept of customer first for you.
  3. Fast and Safe Delivery. Parcels will be sent out within 24 hours after payment. Tracking number available. Secure and discreet shipment. Various transportation methods for your choice.
  4. Great After-sale Services. Tell the package update ASAP and solve every confusion of yours.

Any problems and feedback will be highly appreciated and we will provide you the most professional guide and best raw steroid powders with quality guaranteed. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Deca Durabolin Raws

Simple Descriptions About Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin, a long-acting, slow-release drug, delivers significant lean body mass gain over the long term off season, and is consistently higher in quality than many other steroids. Possible storage of water is also very easy to control, the user’s power will have some improvement. The ability of a card to protect a joint is also great during times of heavy weight training. Increasing muscle fat accumulation than other drugs less, the use of steroids can increase the metabolic rate, although this does not directly burn fat, but it can help you maintain a reasonable fat content.

Deca Durabolin is one of the most effective steroids ever. Most users can well tolerate this drug, novice veterans can benefit. Looking back at the history of anabolic steroids, steroids have been around for decades and debit cards have long been one of the most popular. Many of its effects can not be replaced by other drugs. For most users, de-carding is at the heart of the non-season expansion plan. No cycle is more prevalent than a combination of simple testosterone, vigorous make up and generation card.

Deca Durabolin Common Cycles

Week Dianabol Deca Durabolin Nolvadex Clomid Sustanon 250
1 30mg/day 200mg/week 250mg/week
2 30mg/day 300mg/week 250mg/week
3 30mg/day 300mg/week 20mg/day 250mg/week
4 40mg/day 400mg/week 20mg/day 250mg/week
5 40mg/day 400mg/week 20mg/day 250mg/week
6 40mg/day 300mg/week 20mg/day 250mg/week
7 200mg/week 20mg/day 250mg/week
8 20mg/day 250mg/week
9 20mg/day 250mg/week
10 20mg/day 250mg/week
11 20mg/day 50mg/day 250mg/week
12 20mg/day 50mg/day 250mg/week

Deca Durabolin Dosage Details

Non-season Deca Durabolin Dosage

Generally 300-400 mg per week, once a week can be injected. In practice, most athletes divide the total dose into two equal small doses, which works better, with less volume per injection. If you can tolerate 300-400 mg, many people will choose 600 mg per week, but most people do not need so much, 400 mg is enough. In general, the higher the dose the higher the risk.

Season Deca Durabolin Dosage

Although not common, but there are still bodybuilders in the season C to add nandrolone. Although it is not as out-of-band like the Tebobo, Oxygen and Dragon, it is still useful. There are many benefits to using a generation card for the first half of Season C at doses of 200-300 mg per week. This steroid protects muscle tissue, relieves physical discomfort and increases stamina.

Athlete Deca Durabolin Dosage

Because of the debit card (with card) DECA is considered a booster steroid, people think it is not suitable for athletes who want to improve athletic performance. This idea is pit father. You will not increase the organization without ingesting more than the consumption and the equivalent dose of card. Athletes choose to replace the card is generally low dose to protect the joints, muscle endurance improvement is also its popular reasons. A dose of 100-200 mg per week is sufficient. People who want more gains will get stuck at 200 mg weekly.

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If you use hgh to do bodybuilding cycle, please remember that the reason why a bodybuilder does not make any progress is usually due to inadequate nutritional intake. No matter how hard you train, what kind of cycle to do, diet can not keep up everything is empty talk. Only with adequate nutrition and caloric intake can steroids be effective. Below we provide some more basic dietary advice.

  1. Ingesting enough carbohydrates: Carbohydrate intake is too important for bodybuilders. note! To do a daily diet during the C first of all to ensure adequate intake of carbohydrates, many people up-and-down, in the absence of adequate intake of carbohydrates, the focus will be on protein supplements, this is the wrong way. Enough intake of carbohydrates, which can ensure that the body’s blood glucose levels stable, prevent muscle breakdown, while the decomposition of fat is also very important. Rice, oats, whole wheat bread, noodles and vegetables are better choices. The total daily intake of carbohydrates should be 800-900g, the total calories is about 3200-3600 kcal. 85% is taken in with complex carbohydrates and the rest is taken with simple carbohydrates, most often fruits.
  2. Enough intake of high-quality protein: adequate protein intake is the most crucial factor in muscle growth. Of particular note is the type of protein. Animal protein is always the first choice, its high nutritional value, can provide the human body essential amino acids. These amino acids enter the bloodstream and are transported into muscle cells. The purpose of this diet is to create a positive nitrogen balance within the cell, which means it absorbs more protein than it releases. The best sources of protein are meat, eggs, poultry, fish and dairy products. It is usually effective to take 1-1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight. For example, a 200-pound bodybuilder needs 250g of protein daily. This means that the daily gain of 1,000 calories from the protein.
  3. Ingesting enough total calories: A bodybuilder will certainly not gain muscle if only consuming 2000-3000 kcal a day. This is a very simple truth. In the use of steroids and good health premise, the daily intake should be about 5000 kilocalories calories.

Give some appetite is not a good baby a small tip, if the appetite is not good or can not eat anything, this meal can choose to use a large number of muscle powder + protein powder supplement, we must ensure that the total daily Adequate calorie intake.

  1. Time to eat: This is a problem many people ignore. Eating on time requires discipline and requires constant motivation and elaborate planning. You have to make a plan that is compatible with your everyday life so that you can persevere for a long time. Eating 6-7 meals daily at a specific time is a very basic requirement. No matter what you are doing, get some food, otherwise it is white practice. This diet plan will promote the body to secrete more insulin, and insulin will amino acids into the cell to form an anabolic environment.

Keeping Your Diet Needed You have two things you need: staying motivated and disciplined. You want to grow muscles, mouth to talk about is not enough, can insist on eating is the most important. Your food must meet all the nutritional needs and can not be too hard to make. If you do not have real determination, it is possible to give up half of the diet to give up. Real bodybuilders have a clear goal, unparalleled willpower, a strong heart and consistent enthusiasm, and each has its own little trick to keeping the diet regular for years. Always remember: Only guaranteed diet can you see the muscle changes in the mirror, or say what rhetoric is useless.

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HGG is a protein secreted by pituitary cells and is a peptide hormone that promotes human growth and regulates the metabolism of the body. hgh auxin mainly through the inhibition of muscle and adipose tissue utilization of glucose, while promoting liver gluconeogenesis and glycogen decomposition, so that blood sugar. HGg growth hormone can promote lipolysis, plasma free fatty acids increased. When hunger decreased insulin secretion, increased growth hormone secretion, so blood glucose utilization and increased fat use, when plasma glucose and free fatty acids increased.

Human growth hormone (hGH) is a protein secreted by adenohypophyseal cells and is a peptide hormone. Growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology referred to r-HGH. Normally, the growth hormone HGH is pulsatile and the secretion of growth hormone (hGH) is regulated by hypothalamic GHRH and somatostatin (GHIH) Affected by gender, age and circadian rhythm, secretion increased significantly during sleep. The main physiological function of growth hormone is to promote the growth of all other tissues except nerve tissue; promote the body’s synthesis and metabolism and protein synthesis; promote lipolysis; insulin antagonism; inhibition of glucose utilization and increased blood sugar and so on. Determination of serum growth hormone contributes to the diagnosis of ghrelin, acromegaly and hereditary growth hormone deficiency caused by growth hormone deficiency.

The growth hormone molecule consists of 191 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 22,124 Daltons. Molecular structure with four α-helix so that growth hormone and its receptor can have a good combination. In terms of protein sequence, growth hormones and prolactin and chorionic prolactin are homologous evolved. Human growth hormones have a degree of specificity and, therefore, can only act on humans and primates, albeit highly similar to the growth hormones of other species.

There are several growth hormone is forms into the bloodstream, most of them with growth hormone-binding protein (GHBP) and another glycoprotein (GHBP) acid labile subunit, ALS) three together. A growth hormone binding protein is a protein that evolves from the growth hormone receptor.

How To Use A Steroids Cycle

In fact, there’s no guaranteed cycle or formula for you to follow. Most of the time, it will depend on the drugs you take and your reaction to them. In the case of some legal steroids, you may experience very few side effects. In this case, you could use them for a longer cycle, such as eight weeks.

However, it is best to prepare yourself to start with a shorter cycle. You need to allow your body time to adjust to the steroids without overloading it. You should never push your body further than it can come back from, especially initially. In fact, if you do go too hard in the beginning, it may put you off of trying them again later.

Once you have done a test cycle, you can begin trying out the normal eight week or two month cycle. This length of cycle is very common and is especially beneficial for people new to steroids. This is because it gives you enough time to experience real gains before giving you a much-needed break.

Any problems will be highly appreciated and we have the most professional doctors to provide you the right instructions to use raw steroids. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you meet any problems. Any problems about steroids are not samll, once you make a small mistake, it will result in bad effect, please attach importance to it.

Winstrol Stanozolol Applications and Traits

Stanozolol is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic androgenic steroid, or more specifically a structurally altered form. Stanozolol is the DHT hormone with two structural changes that give us the Winstrol compound. The first alteration is the introduction of an attached pyrazol group at the A-ring of the hormone replacing the 3-keto group. This modification officially classifies Stanozolol as a heterocyclic steroid. The hormone also carries an added methyl group in order to protect hormone after administration. This structural change takes place at the 17th carbon position officially classifying Stanozolol as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid.

Due the combination of structural changes, this reduces the hormone’s androgenicity significantly and greatly increases its anabolic power. Officially Winstrol carries an anabolic rating of 320 and an androgenic rating of 20. More importantly, its ratings translate perfectly in real life effects giving us an extremely beneficial anabolic steroid.

Winstrol carries many positive steroidal traits, one of which is its ability to lower Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) significantly. This allows for more of the steroids being supplied to rest in an unbound state, as well as provides an increase in free testosterone. While many anabolic steroids lower SHBG Winstrol appears to have a much stronger affinity than most. In fact, studies have demonstrated nearly 50% reductions in SHBG in mere days of use and even at relatively low doses.

Beyond a reduction in SHBG, which is one of its primary traits, Winstrol will enhance protein synthesis and greatly increase nitrogen retention in the muscles. The steroid will also do a fairly decent job at increasing red blood cell count and inhibiting glucocorticoid hormones but not to the degree of many other steroids. In many ways, we have a mild yet evenly possession of some basic steroidal traits coupled with the dramatic SHBG reduction that gives us a controllable and unique compound. This really is one of the easiest anabolic steroids to understand.

When looking at the direct functions and traits of Winstrol there is one more issue we need to discuss. The Stanozolol hormone is both an injectable an oral anabolic steroid. Both forms are comprised of the same identical Stanozolol hormone. 1mg of one form is the same as 1mg of the other form. Some studies have suggested oral Winstrol may reduce SHBG a little more than its injectable counterpart, while others have said injectable forms may be slightly more potent on an overall milligram for milligram basis. However, overall these appear to be rather insignificant differences regardless of the direction they go. In fact, the individual should be able to receive the same identical benefits with either form.

Another important note often misunderstood about Winstrol forms is the C17-aa nature. Both oral and injectable Stanozolol are C17-aa anabolic steroids. Most oral steroids are C17-aa and while injectable steroids rarely are injectable Stanozolol is one of the exceptions. The injectable form is also commonly referred to as Winstrol Depot.