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Boldenone cypionate is simply one form of Boldenone. It’s just about the most frequent anabolic androgenic steroids employed by body builders as well as athletes with regard to non-medical factors in recent years. It is made in a number of different forms, although the base medication ¨C Boldenone ¨C offers the same benefits overall, oahu is the ester attached to it that will modify what it is used. Before contemplating Boldenone cypionate, investigate the functions and also options discovered with kinds of Boldenone including Boldenone undecylenate or perhaps Boldenone acetate. Understanding the distinction between types of boldenone will allow you to pick which sort works greatest depending on expectations or perhaps targets.

Boldenone is an anabolic androgenic anabolic steroid most often used in veterinarian surroundings in comparison to human-based treatments. Boldenone Cypionate, just like some other artificial anabolic androgenic steroid drugs, is made to imitate the results of testosterone. Testo-sterone will be the main man hormonal in charge of the expansion and also maintenance of men intercourse characteristics. It offers effectiveness both for cells constructing as well as intercourse attribute advancement. Based on the manufacturer and the nation where it is produced, it could be found in injectable or perhaps dental types. Before selecting any type of boldenone, be aware of difference between all of them. This kind of variation will probably be identified via its ester.

The cypionate ester was attached to Boldenone by mostly subterranean laboratories in an effort to cut short the half-life for more immediate effectiveness with regard to bodybuilders as well as athletes. Esters are usually components attached with basics medicine in which modify the intake price of that medication because it is distributed around the actual blood stream. Different esters control how quick or even slowly and gradually the medication is released or soaked up through the physique. Esters furthermore have a huge affect over the amount of time the drug gives its activities in your body over time. For example, some esters allow for quick absorption of a drug in to the body but the result will not last lengthy. Other folks sluggish the discharge from the drug into the physique to ensure that the affects last days or even weeks, occasionally lengthier.

The size of activity supplied by medicines including Boldenone cypionate are calculated in their half-life. Regarding body builders, half-life is very important. The longer the actual half-life, the fewer injections or perhaps dosages necessary. Bodybuilders getting any kind of anabolic androgenic steroid should know the way the ester attached to it (if there is a single) impacts effectiveness as well as longevity regarding activity, especially for athletes starting routine screening. A few steroid drugs could be determined within the body days following make use of.

How To Treat Low Testosterone In Women?

We are familiar with testosterone and we know it is a male hormone. In fact, women also have testosterone in their bodies. Too much or too little of testosterone both will affect women’s health, which may affect their sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, depressed mood, lethargy or muscle weakness, etc. You can ask your doctors to use a blood test to test a your testosterone levels. Normally, if a woman’s plasma total testosterone level is less than 25 ng/dL in women under 50 years old, this is low. Testosterone levels lower than 20 ng/dL in women aged 50 and older are considered low.

Treatments for low testosterone in women haven’t been largely studied by medical experts. While doctors know about the effects of excess testosterone in women, the symptoms of too-little testosterone aren’t as well known. As a result, doctors don’t always have the same regimen for treatments related to low testosterone levels.

Doctors may prescribe a medication called Estratest in post-menopausal women. This medicine has both estrogen as well as testosterone in it. However, the testosterone form is a synthetic one and may not be as effective in treating low testosterone.

Doctors can also administer injections of testosterone steroids and medical researchers are currently studying the effects of testosterone patches and pellets implanted in the skin. Some women may also obtain testosterone gel formulations from compounding pharmacies. However, these gels are traditionally used for men that have much higher average testosterone levels than when compared with women.


Some Effects of Methyltestosterone

Effects of Methylh:

The effects of Methyltestosterone are brought on by simply increasing the amount of circulating androgens through exogenous use of this hormone. This could be done to combat a condition brought on by low levels, or it could be to enhance androgen levels above baseline levels to help combat another condition. However, while both are possible the former is the most common in a medical setting. By supplementing with this androgen, the effects of Methyltestosterone should enhance the individual’s sex drive and boost energy levels that are often in decline with low levels of the hormone in the body. This is where the effects of Methyltestosterone will benefit the menopause or andropause patient greatly. Such conditions will also be the most common point of use for this particular version of the testosterone hormone.

For the purpose of performance enhancement, the effects of Methyltestosterone will normally be found lacking. For a true performance boost it would require long term high dose use and due to this steroid’s hepatotoxicity it simply isn’t a viable option. We will, however, find the steroid is nowhere near as toxic as many have inaccurately believed, but it still won’t be viable for long term performance use.

Where the effects of Methyltestosterone could primarily benefit the athlete will be in a pure androgenic sense, not anabolic. By supplementing for short periods of time with a significant dose, the high level of androgenic activity could increase aggression significantly. This could be beneficial to power lifters and other strength athletes prior to competition. However, when looking at the effects of Methyltestosterone in this regard there is something we need to clear up. There is no anabolic steroid that can alter an individual’s personality or take away his ability to distinguish from right or wrong. A non-violent person cannot turn into a violent animal due to any anabolic steroid use. With most anabolic steroids, the aggression factor will not be a factor at all, but with this particular androgen, as is with the steroid Halotestin an enhanced aggressive nature is possible. It’s also important to note that aggression in of itself is not a bad thing. What we do with aggression is what makes it right or wrong. Enhanced aggression can be extremely beneficial when it’s used for the right purpose, such as competitions that surround strength. Some bodybuilders may also find the effects of Methyltestosterone beneficial in this regard right before competition to help them through the final stages when energy levels are often low. However, due to the potent estrogenic activity of Methyltestosterone there are normally better options.

An important note on the effects of Methyltestosterone as it pertains to aggression – if you are already a violent individual this is a steroid you should avoid. If you are a violent individual the enhanced aggression will only make you more aggressively violent. If you are a sane individual, the effects of Methyltestosterone will not change this in any way and you should still display your same level of self control.

Drostanolone Enanthate a good try for breast cancer treatment

Drostanolone Enanthate is strictly an underground anabolic androgenic steroid that is based on the discontinued Drostanolone Propionate compound known as Masteron. Masteron is a fairly old anabolic steroid first created in 1959 by Syntex and has been sold under several other brand names such as Masteril, Drolban and Metormon with Masteron remaining the most recognizable.

Test 600x During the 1970’s and 80’s Masteron enjoyed significant therapeutic success, particularly in the treatment of inoperable breast cancer. Despite its success in cancer treatment and other areas of medicine, in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Masteron began to disappear from the U.S. and European markets and in modern times is no longer manufactured. Drostanolone is still an FDA approved anabolic steroid, but no U.S. pharmacy manufactures it.

During the 1970’s and heavily in the 1980’s Masteron become very popular among competitive bodybuilders. In fact, it has come to be viewed as an essential for contest prep for many bodybuilders and is a common favorite among recreational bodybuilders during their cutting cycles. Due to the Propionate ester that is attached Masteron must be injected at minimum three times per week with an every other day schedule being the most efficient. Because of the need for frequent injections and high demand for the steroid, many underground labs began manufacturing the Drostanolone hormone with the Enanthate ester attached. The new combination become very prominent in the early 2000’s and as such Masteron Enanthate was born. Masteron Enanthate is the same anabolic steroid as Masteron Propionate; the hormone itself has not been changed. The only difference in the two compounds is the attached ester, which affects the drug’s active life and release into the body.

Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate) is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid. Drostanolone is simply the DHT hormone structurally altered. The alteration exists through the addition of a methyl group at carbon position 2. This ensures the hormone doesn’t suffer metabolic breakdown brought on by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme found in the skeletal muscle. This simple structural change also makes the hormone far more anabolic, and that gives us Drostanolone. Once the hormone has been created, altered from DHT, an ester is then attached, and in this case the ester attached is Enanthate. Enanthate is not a steroid or a drug but nothing more than a timing tool used for a drug.

As with Masteron Propionate, Masteron Enanthate is well known for being one of the only anabolic steroids that carries strong anti-estrogenic properties. This anabolic steroid cannot increase estrogen levels; in fact, it can actually decrease estrogen levels in the body. It is for this reason Drostanolone was successful in breast cancer treatment with the combination of Drostanolone and Tamoxifen being very commonplace for many years. Bodybuilders welcome this trait due to estrogen often being difficult to control with many steroids and lower estrogen levels often leading to a harder and more defined look during the cutting phase.

Masteron Enanthate possesses some of the most misleading anabolic and androgenic ratings of any anabolic steroid, although not nearly as misleading as Halotestin and Anavar. Drostanolone has a binding affinity to the androgen receptor that is five times greater than testosterone, which not only produces a harder look it can also have a positive impact on fat loss. All anabolic steroids can help improve the metabolic rate, but those with a strong androgen binding affinity can have an impact on direct lipolysis.

What are Signs of Low Testosterone?

Symptoms of low T

Some advertisements for testosterone replacement products may lead you to believe that simply feeling tired or cranky is a sign of low T. In reality, symptoms tend to be more involved than that. Regardless of your age, low T symptoms can include:

  1. Erectile dysfunction, or problems developing or maintaining an erection
  2. Other changes in your erections, such as fewer spontaneous erections
  3. Decreased libido or sexual activity
  4. Infertility
  5. Rapid hair loss
  6. Reduced muscle mass
  7. Increased body fat
  8. Enlarged breasts
  9. Sleep disturbances
  10. Persistent fatigue
  11. Brain fog
  12. Depression

Many of these symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions or lifestyle factors. If you’re experiencing them, make an appointment with your doctor. They can help you identify the underlying cause and recommend a treatment plan.

Causes of low T in young men

Low T is less common among men under 30, but it can still occur. Contributing factors include:

  1. High cholesterol levels
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Being overweight or obese
  4. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  5. Using illegal drugs
  6. Using anabolic steroids
  7. Taking certain prescription medications such as steroids and opiates, especially in excess
  8. Some cases of low T may be linked to other medical conditions, such as:
  9. Hypothalamic or pituitary disease or tumors
  10. Injuries, tumors, or other conditions affecting your testicles including inflammation related to childhood mumps
  11. Inherited diseases, such as Kallman’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, or Down syndrome
  12. Diabetes, liver disease, or AIDS
  13. Cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy

Solutions about your low T

If you suspect that you might have low T, make an appointment with your doctor. They can use a simple blood test to determine your testosterone level.

If your doctor finds that your testosterone level is lower than normal, they may order additional tests or do an exam to investigate why. Your treatment plan will depend on your diagnosis and medical history. Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes or testosterone replacement therapy.

You should always talk to your doctor before taking new medications, including testosterone replacement therapy and supplements. According to research published in PLOSOne, testosterone therapy may increase your risk of heart attack, particularly if you already have heart disease. Your doctor can help you understand the potential benefits and risks of different treatment options.

Clomiphene Citrate is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen steroid

Clomiphene Citrate is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM in Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate). Clomid first gained worldwide attention in the early 1970’s as a strong fertility aid and is still used for that purpose today. It is also one of the most commonly used SERM’s by anabolic steroid users. No, it is not an anabolic steroid but can be used to combat estrogenic side effects sometimes caused by anabolic steroids. It can also be used as a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medication in order to stimulate suppressed testosterone production due to anabolic steroid use. PCT use of Clomid is the most common purpose and most beneficial point of use for the anabolic steroid user.

Clomiphene Citrate is a SERM that is specifically used as a fertility aid due to its ability to enhance the release of gonadotropins. Clomid has the ability to oppose the negative feedback of estrogens on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian-Axis. This will increase the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) significantly. By increasing gonadotropin release, this can lead to the egg being released, thereby increasing the chance of conception.

Clomid also carries strong anti-estrogen properties that could be used therapeutically, but its anti-estrogen properties are most commonly associated with anabolic steroid use. Testosterone and many testosterone derived steroids have the ability to convert to estrogen through testosterone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As estrogen levels rise, this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. Heavy water retention can also promote high blood pressure. By supplementing with Clomid during anabolic steroid use, the SERM will bind to the estrogen receptors, therefore inhibiting the estrogen hormone from binding. This can be very useful in combating gynecomastia, as when Clomid binds to the receptor it prevents estrogen from stimulating the mammary tissue. It can also have a positive impact on water retention, but as it won’t actively reduce serum estrogen levels it’s sometimes not enough.

Clomid also possess functioning traits that are beneficial to the anabolic steroid user post anabolic steroid use. Specifically we’re referring to Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). In men, Clomid also has the ability to stimulate the pituitary to release more LH and FSH, which will in turn stimulate enhanced natural testosterone production. This is extremely beneficial to the anabolic steroid user post cycle as natural testosterone levels will be very low due to suppression caused by anabolic steroid use.

Testosterone Undecanoate for hypogonadism treatment

Quick Details about Testosterone Undecanoate

brand names Aveed, Andriol,etc.
Synonyms Aveed, Andriol, Undestor, Nebido, Pantestone, Restandol, Cernos Depot, Nebido-R, Reandron 1000
CAS Number 5949-44-0
Formula C30H48O3
Molar mass 456.70032 g/mol

Introductions about Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone undecanoate (USAN, BAN) (brand names Aveed, Andriol, Androxon, Cernos Depot, Nebido, Panteston, Restandol, Nebido-R, Reandron 1000, Undestor), or testosterone undecylate, is an androgen and anabolic steroid and a testosterone ester.It is used in androgen replacement therapy primarily for the treatment of male hypogonadism, and has also been investigated for use as a male contraceptive or as hormone replacement therapy in transgender men. Unlike other testosterone esters, testosterone undecanoate is available in both oral and intramuscular formulations. The Reandron 1000 formulation (Nebido in the United States) contains 1000 mg of testosterone undecanoate suspended in castor oil with benzyl benzoate for solubilisation and as a preservative, and is administered by intramuscular injection. As an excipient, benzyl benzoate has been reported as a cause of anaphylaxis in a case in Australia. Bayer includes this report in information for health professionals and recommends that physicians “should be aware of the potential for serious allergic reactions” to preparations of this type. In Australia, reports to ADRAC, which evaluates reports of adverse drug reactions for the Therapeutic Goods Administration, show several reports of allergic issues since the anaphylaxis case from 2011.
Testosterone undecanoate has a very long elimination half-life and mean residence time when given as a depot intramuscular injection. The elimination half-life and mean residence time of testosterone undecanoate are 2.5-fold and 4-fold longer than those of testosterone enanthate (the values for testosterone enanthate being 4.5 days and 8.5 days, respectively).

Uses of Testosterone Undecanoate

This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone. Testosterone belongs to a class of drugs known as androgens. Testosterone helps the body to develop and maintain male sexual characteristics (masculinity), such as a deep voice and body hair. It also helps to maintain muscle and prevent bone loss, and is necessary for natural sexual ability/desire.



Lean muscle anabolic steroid powder Mestanolone/Andoron with high purity

Details about Mestanolone

brand names Andoron, Notandron
CAS Number 521-11-9
Formula C20H32O2
Molar mass 304.467 g/mol


Mestanolone (brand names Andoron, Notandron) is the 17α-methylated version of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).The systematic name of mestanolone is: 17β-hydroxy-17α-methylandrost-3-one.It is an orally bioavailable androgenic steroid that is highly androgenic while only slightly anabolic. It is incapable of aromatization and is not an agonist of the progesterone receptor.

Dosage Information

Dosages range from 10 mg to 30 mg a day for males. Women should avoid Mestanolone for it is very androgenic. Long-term use, more than 12 weeks, should be avoided do to hepatoxicity. Since Mestanolone is unable to convert to estrogen, it is very useful during cutting phases or when one wishes to avoid excess weight gain.


Dosages range from 10 mg to 30 mg a day for malesfor 6-8 weeks, which is often enough to keep blood serum levels well above baseline with this particular drug. ts anabolic and androgenic effects are typically dose dependent and extremely supportive of testosterone-based cycles. Experienced steroid users have been known to run more aggressive dosages of 30 mg/day of methyldihydrotestosterone. Long term use, more than 12 weeks should be avoided do to hepatoxicity.
Ermalone stacks well with all compounds, and works to enhance both cutting and mass building cycles. Cycles with powerful mass gaining compounds like testosterone (enanthate, cypionate, and propionate), Dianabol, Trenbolone, and Deca-Durabolin benefit from its strength building properties. Ermalones Winstrol mimicking properties make it an ideally suited cutting cycle compound, which in a testosterone base, stacks very well with Primobolan, Masteron, Oral Turinabol, Trenbolone, Equipoise, and Anavar.


Increase testosterone benefit;
Suppress estrogen effect;
Lean muscle tissue;
Increase strength;
Improve drive and focus;

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How to inject steroids?

There are 8 steps for guiding injecting steroids successfully for you without any complications such as infections or simply very uncomfortable injections, and an unnecessarily sore injected area. Of course, the most important thing for you is to prepare the injection and stick it into the muscle tissue, than follows the instructions below step by step.

  • Step 1: Choosing a Needle – There are numerous needle sizes at our disposal, and you need the right one to get the job done. There’s no reason to choose a massive needle, but you don’t want one that’s so small the oil will barely push through. In most all cases, a 23g-25g needle will serve your needs. As for the needle length, 1” is plenty long enough for most anyone, but 1.5” is also suitable. Some will find ½” needles to be sufficient, but only if they are injecting into a very low body-fat area. Regardless of the needle size you choose, you will always use a clean never before used needle each and every time.
  • Step 2: Drawing Air – Before you draw your steroids into the syringe, the first step is to draw at a minimum the same amount of air into the syringe that matches the amount of oil you’ll be drawing into the syringe. This is not absolutely necessary, but it will make step four a lot easier. Further, most will find drawing a little more air than needed to be quite beneficial and make things even easier.
  • Step 3: Empty the Air – Place the needle into the oil (the steroids you’re using) and push all the air in. This will allow you to draw the oil with ease; again, you don’t have to do this but there’s no point in skipping it.
  • Step 4: Draw the Oil – Simply pull the plunger of the syringe back until the desired amount is obtained; most will find drawing in slightly more (a miniscule amount) to be useful. A side note; many choose to use a “Draw Needle” for this purpose; this refers to using a larger needle. In this instance, you will use a 20g-21g needle to draw your oil into the syringe as it is much easier and faster. If you choose this method, you will follow steps 2 and 3 with your draw needle, and then replace the needle with the needle you chose in step 1.
  • Step 5: Remove Air Bubbles – Now that the oil is in the syringe, you will push the plunger forward while tapping your finger against the side of the syringe to remove all air bubbles. This will cause a little bit of oil to shoot out of the needle, but that’s why you drew up a little extra.
  • Step 6: Disinfecting – Determine which muscle you’re going to inject and the specific location, and disinfect with alcohol. Putting alcohol on a cotton ball will work, but alcohol swabs are perfect for this purpose.
  • Step 7: Plunge the Needle & Aspirate – Once the area is disinfected, plunge the needle into the desired location, but do not inject yet. Once the needle is firmly in place, pull the syringe back; this is what is known as Aspirating. When you aspirate, if blood fills into the syringe remove the needle and pick a new location. If blood has entered into the syringe, you have hit a vein or blood vessel, and if you inject there’s a chance you’ll fall prey to what is known as “Tren Cough.” Trenbolone is the most notorious anabolic steroid for causing this, but it can happen with even Testosterone. When you hit a vein or blood vessel, some of the steroid gets into the lungs, and causes a violent cough that can be quite frightening and painful. Your mouth will taste like metal, and some say their teeth even hurt, and you will cough more violently than you ever have before. Don’t let this scare you; if you aspirate and follow our recommendations you’ll be fine. If you aspirate and no blood enters the syringe, you’re ready to inject.
  • Step 8: If you have followed steps 1-7 and no blood entered the syringe during step 7, you are ready to inject your steroid(s). Simply push the plunger until all the oil has entered the desired location.

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Anastrozole A Steroid for Breast Cancer Treatment

Anastrozole is approved to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women who have any of the following types of breast cancer–

  • Early-stage, hormone receptor positive (HR+) breast cancer. It is used in women who have already received other treatment.
  • Locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer that is HR+ or hormone receptor unknown (it is not known whether it is HR+ or hormone receptor negative). It is used as first-line therapy in these patients.
  • Advanced breast cancer that has gotten worse after treatment with tamoxifen citrate.

Anastrozole is also being studied in the treatment of other conditions and types of cancer.

Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary – Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug.

MedlinePlus Information on Anastrozole – A lay language summary of important information about this drug that may include the following:

  • warnings about this drug,
  • what this drug is used for and how it is used,
  • what you should tell your doctor before using this drug,
  • what you should know about this drug before using it,
  • other drugs that may interact with this drug, and
  • possible side effects.

Drugs are often studied to find out if they can help treat or prevent conditions other than the ones they are approved for. This patient information sheet applies only to approved uses of the drug. However, much of the information may also apply to unapproved uses that are being studied.

Find Clinical Trials for Anastrozole – Check for trials from NCI’s list of cancer clinical trials now accepting patients.